Monday, April 4, 2011

On the last summer in 2010, my now ex boyfriend went to a famous restaurant in downtown. That restaurant was luxury and expensive. Most  people looking delicates. We were in our anniversary so was a special moment that we were celebrating. After a long time in our lovely meeting, I had the worst ashamed. Suddenly, Marco screamed it was a frog. oh my goodness!! My face was red because he was so altered. Then, he shouted to the waiter  to call the manager, in order to get a explanation about the frog on his soup. The moment was terrific and Marco was extremely stupid. He didn’t understand anything because the waiter was trying to calm him down. Then, the manager appeared and offered us to reduce a 50% in the cost of the menu. Even though the manager had offered us a discount, Marco was yelling, and he exclaimed what kind of restaurant it was.
I was in shock and he was angry , so the frog jumped to his suit, which that was funny for me, and I began to laughing, so he asked me why I was laughing. While ,all of the people were staring us because the scene was comic, my ex husband was fighting with the manager. Marco inquired him that he couldn’t support that service, and he was going to public in newspapers. In addition, he blamed to  manager that he had to be careful with your staff . I tried to calm him down, but I couldn’t, then the manager let him talking alone. I was so embarrassment since people said that he was exaggerated about his behave , so I left the restaurant and broke up our relationship.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good job, Verito. I read your interesting and little exaggerated story.(^^) However,I think that if the story involved more conversations, it was better for you to practice what we had learnt in class. Due to the above problem, I could see less indirect speeches than I expected. Also,I found some inappropriate verbs in your indirect speeches.
    EX) Marco inquired him that he couldn't support that service.
    -> I think you had better use the verb 'shouted' instead of inquired.

    Finally, there were some grammar mistakes, but they are not our focus. I also have such problems.

    I'm not sure if my comment is acceptable or not. I believe our professor will help us solve the problems.

    Anyway, it was not easy work, but that's good. I could learn lots of things from your work. Thank you~!

  3. Hi Verito, I am agree with Jipyo, not because he is boy :) is just the fact that I also expected to read a conversation but what I had read it was more about yourself. As a result, I believe you must hate your ex since you didn't tell us enough about him. However, I like your story, at least is longer than the one I did ;)

  4. Hi guys,,, i gonna check those comments.. thanks for your advice...

  5. Hi Verito, it is a really interesting story I've ever read, bescuse it has a wonderful description. You used many details to make the story particularly.

    But for the indirect speech, you'd better use more dialogues. That will make you story lively.

    Anyway, it is a brilliant job. Have a good weekend and see you monday.
