Thursday, April 7, 2011

Last summer, my now ex boyfriend and I went to a famous restaurant downtown. That restaurant was elegant and expensive. Most people looked sophisticated. We were celebrating our anniversary so it was a special moment. After a long time in our lovely meeting, I had the worst embarrassment. Suddenly, Marco screamed it was a frog. Oh my goodness! My face was red because he was so frightened. Then, he shouted to the waiter to call the manager in order to get an explanation about the frog in his soup. The moment was terrible and Marco was extremely stupid. He didn’t understand anything because the waiter was trying to calm him down. Then, the manager appeared and he told us that he would offer us 50 % reduction on the cost of the menu. Even though the manager had offered us a discount, Marco was yelling, and he exclaimed what kind of restaurant it was.
I was in shock and he was angry, so the frog jumped to his suit, which was funny to me, and I began to laugh, so he asked me why I was laughing. While all of the people were staring at us because the scene was comic, my ex boyfriend was fighting with the manager. Marco shouted at him that he couldn’t support that service and he was going to go public in the newspapers. In addition, he blamed the manager and told him that he had to be careful with his staff. I tried to calm him down, but I couldn’t. Then the manager left him talking alone. I was so embarrassed since people said that his behavior was exaggerated, so I left the restaurant and broke up with him.

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