Thursday, April 28, 2011


The most important thing that a child has is a play time. A child always is thinking about toys, sometimes schools, candies, friends, and games. Children are never worried about rent, work, house chores, or care someone. The are really interested in their childhood. However, children who take another responsabilities as care of their parents will experience negattives effects which could impact on their childhood's emotion.


  1. I think your introduction is funnel.It is true that parents is not easy job. Maybe when we become a parent of a child, when will know more about parents' efforts.

  2. I agree with Senhai your intro is funnel. I like the fact you think about role reversal when the children are young and some diffrent problems they may experinecing when they have to take care about their parents. I didn't think that way great job. Change my point of view for the problem.
